Behavior Engineering Based Software Change Case Studies


. Behavior Engineering
. Software Change
. Software Tools
. Microwave Oven Case Study
. Satellite Control System

Mircowave Oven Case Study

Version 1
. Requirements and RBT
. The DBT
. Other Design Diagrams
Version 2 and 3
. Version 2
. Version 3
Evolutionary Diagrams
. EVDBT for version 1,2 and 3
. Other Evolutionary Diagrams

Satellite Control System

Requirements and RBTs
. Requirement 2.1
. Requirement 2.2
. Requirement 2.2.1
. Requirement 2.2.2
. Requirement 2.2.3
. Requirement 2.3
. Requirement 2.3.1
. Requirement 2.3.2
. Requirement 2.3.3
. Requirement 2.3.4
. Requirement 2.3.5
. Design Behavior Tree
Other Versions
. Version 2 Requirement 2.2.3
. DBT for Version 2
. Version 3 Requirement 2.1
. DBT for Version 3
. Version 4 Requirement 2.2.2
. DBT for Version 4
. Version 5 Requirement 2.3.4
. DBT for Version 5
. The Evolutionary DBT

2.2.3 Maintain B/L Table (Version 2)

The changed part is highlight with bold.

The broadcast/location table must be maintained to ensure that customer data transmission site records are kept up to date.

MG6) The SCS shall process each BR (bandwidth/location (B/L) table update request) command message received from the GCS.

MG6.1) If a BR command message is received and there is already an entry in the B/L table, the current entry will be replaced.

MG6.2) After the SCS is initialized, table entries are made for all active communication sites. If the system is restarted, all B/L table entries must be re-entered.

MG6.3) The SCS has the ability to store 9,999 B/L table entries. Only one sender (uplink) and receiver (downlink) site pair may be specified for service during a "Transmit Data" transaction.

MG6.4) The SCS may receive a BR command message after an HR (satellite health request) command message has been received and processed. (Describes order during transaction.)

MG6.5) The SCS will only accept A BR command message SCS during an active "Manage Satellites" transaction. (Describes condition under which a BR may be received.)

MG7) The SCS shall prepare and send a BA (B/L table updated) acknowledgment message to the GCS indicating the status of the table update.

Each acknowledgment message shall contain a status code.

A status code of 1 shall indicate that the B/L table update command was successful.

A status code of 2 shall indicate that the B/L table is full then the GCS will send a Clear B/L table command (CB). If the SCS successfully clear B/L table, a Clear B/L table Ack (CBA) message will send to GCS and then GCS will send BR to CSC again. If the SCS fail to clear B/L table, a Clear B/L table Fail (CBF) message will send to GCS and GCS will restart the system.

The corresponding Requirement Behavior Tree is as below: