Behavior Engineering Based Software Change Case Studies


. Behavior Engineering
. Software Change
. Software Tools
. Microwave Oven Case Study
. Satellite Control System

Mircowave Oven Case Study

Version 1
. Requirements and RBT
. The DBT
. Other Design Diagrams
Version 2 and 3
. Version 2
. Version 3
Evolutionary Diagrams
. EVDBT for version 1,2 and 3
. Other Evolutionary Diagrams

Satellite Control System

Requirements and RBTs
. Requirement 2.1
. Requirement 2.2
. Requirement 2.2.1
. Requirement 2.2.2
. Requirement 2.2.3
. Requirement 2.3
. Requirement 2.3.1
. Requirement 2.3.2
. Requirement 2.3.3
. Requirement 2.3.4
. Requirement 2.3.5
. Design Behavior Tree
Other Versions
. Version 2 Requirement 2.2.3
. DBT for Version 2
. Version 3 Requirement 2.1
. DBT for Version 3
. Version 4 Requirement 2.2.2
. DBT for Version 4
. Version 5 Requirement 2.3.4
. DBT for Version 5
. The Evolutionary DBT

Satellite Control System

1. Background

COMBIZ is a company that provides its internal and external customers with a satellite data communications service. COMBIZ's satellite communications assets are managed by a Ground Control System (GCS). The GCS is responsible for the health and maintenance of the Satellite Control System (SCS) as well as for scheduling bulk data communication time slots for its customers. The SCS is the primary interface for COMBIZ's satellite bulk data transmission customers who operate satellite data communication uplink and downlink sites.

The COMBIZ's satellite constellation consists of three satellites, each with an 8-hour contact window with one of three GCS ground sites. Thus, there is 24-hour satellite coverage to address all ground control system operations and customer data communication requirements. The three satellites and their hardware and software systems represent the SCS. The three ground control sites represent the Ground Control System.

The GCS directs the SCS activities on the basis of pre-scheduled time slots. Time slots are allocated for maintenance activities and customer data transmission preparation, e.g., pointing a satellite by executing a firing command or updating the SCS's broadcast/location table. Time slots are also allocated for customer data transmission. After system initialization, a maintenance time slot is always performed, followed by a customer data transmission time slot, followed by another maintenance time slot. Maintenance time slots and customer data transmission time slots are performed in alternating order. We refer to the activities performed during a maintenance time slot as a "Manage Satellites" transaction. We refer to the activities performed during a customer data transmission time slot as a "Transmit Data" transaction.

2. Mission

The mission of the Satellite Control System is to manage the system's satellite assets to ensure the reliable throughput of communication packets from uplink to downlink satellite data communication sites within that customer's allotted time slot and to minimize the amount of time required for allocation to maintenance time slots....

Read more about the Satellite Control System, click here to download the requirement file.